Dealing with Spam

I recently received one of those regular internet requests to help some African bloke invest his $20 million inheritance. To enable me to receive one half of this windfall all I needed to do was send some personal information including, obviously, my bank details. Rather than ignore it as usually do, I thought I would try a different approach, so I replied –

“No thank you, but please feel free to contact my business partner, Mr M. Mouse at Best of luck, Donald (Duck, not Trump)”

Another one to consider would be –

“Oh, how wonderful! Yes please. I love Nigeria and have such wonderful memories of your country – my favourite (former) colony. My details are as follows – Bank of England, A/C Holder Elizabeth Windsor, Sort code 11 11 11 A/C No. 1111111111. Please access the account with my blessing.”

As for unsolicited phone calls, instead of just putting the phone down try something different

“Hello, hello, hello? I can’t hear anybody, I wonder if they can hear me …. Hello, hello…..Hello, hello……..Bloody hell, there’s no bugger there!” Then put the phone down.

Or,“Oh I’m so glad you called, I’ve been hoping to speak to somebody about my traffic accident/mis-sold insurance but I’m a little busy at the moment. Could you please call back tomorrow” (Repeat as necessary).

If you really want to freak them out, “Bless you my child. I’ve been expecting your call. You have been directed to me by the Lord. Have you found Jesus? Let me tell you how to bring Him into your life” – Pause – “Sorry, hello, hello…………..”

Silly, I know, but it helps brighten the day!

Art or Science?

I was watching a cookery programme the other day and I couldn’t help but think how absurd the world of dining has become and how something relatively straightforward has been raised almost to the level of a science.

How expressions are bandied about like “haute cuisine”, “fine dining” and goodness knows what else. How people will pay a fortune to dine in a place (and then usually brag about it) where your meal is presented with artistic squiggles and collages as though it were an exhibit by Picasso or Salvador Dali. Are you supposed to eat it, photograph it or maybe take it home and put it with your other priceless works of art? Never mind all that, what does it bloody taste like?

Just as it is with wine, music or art, the degustation and delectation is entirely subjective and personal. If the meal, wine, music or artistic piece pleases you nothing else matters. The chances are that somebody else will disagree with you anyway, preferring their own favoured alternative.

And that’s the point, that’s fine, never mind anybody else, how do you feel about it? Don’t rabbit on about it like you’ve discovered a long lost city of the Aztecs, just enjoy it and let the rest of us enjoy what we want without fear of criticism or contradiction. I may not like it but you do and that should be an end to the matter.

Zip it Up!

Today is the anniversary of the patent of one of the most important inventions of the last century, an invention that would completely revolutionise our everyday lives.

We probably give subconscious thanks several times a day to this particular inventor; every time we pack and unpack our bags, every time we dress and undress and every time we pay a visit to the little boy’s (or girl’s) room. We undoubtedly curse him too on the painful occasions we snag ourselves on the teeth of his invention – don’t think about it!

The inventor was Gideon Sundback, a Swedish-born US engineer who, on April 29th 1913, patented the zip-fastener, an invention that would gradually reduce reliance on buttons, clasps, pins and bits of old string!

So, next time you get caught short and, fiddling with your clothing, only just make it to the bathroom in time, spare a thought for old Gideon. Whatever would we do without him!

Dead Right

It was reported this week that Thailand,  facing one of the world’s worst records of drink-driving,  has passed new legislation compelling convicted drivers to work in mortuaries and to physically handle dead bodies to try and drive home (no pun intended) the seriousness of the offence.

Talk about the punishment fitting the crime!  Perhaps the Thai government will now compel car thieves to clean and valet cars unpaid for months at a time or require those convicted of assault to go ten rounds with a professional boxer.

Maybe persons convicted of indecent exposure will be forced to expose themselves, fully naked, in a commercial fridge-freezer until they turn blue or something drops off! The list is almost endless.

American Service

As most travellers to the USA will tell you, service in restaurants, cafes and bars tends to be of a pretty high standard and perhaps too much so for British sensibilities. Tourists from the old country can be a little overwhelmed, as the following encounter in an American diner nicely illustrates –

Waitress (enthusiastically) – “Hi there! My name is Britney and I’m pleased to be your server today. What can I get you?”

British Tourist (somewhat less excitedly) – “I’d like a hamburger please”

W. “Certainly and how would you like it cooked?”


W. “Would you like it well-done, medium or rare?”

BT. (thinks – I ordered a burger, not a steak) “Er, medium, I suppose”

W. “Sure and would you like cheese with that?”

BT. (If I wanted cheese I would have ordered a bl***y cheeseburger!) “Yeah, ok.”

W. “What kind of cheese would you like?”

BT. “What?”

W. “We’ve got Swiss, American or Provolone”

BT. (What the h*** is Provolone?) “Well, since I’m in America I’ll have American, please.”

W. “Great choice! What kind of bread would you like?”

BT. (What the …?) “Oh, I’ll have it on a roll please.”

W. “We’ve got white, brown, wheat, kaiser or reuben.”

BT. (Give me strength!) “Er, wheat please.”

W. “That would be my choice! Oh, and it comes with lettuce, tomato and onion.”

BT. “Lovely, thanks.”

W. “Would you like fries or, for an extra dollar, sweet potato fries?”

BT. (For F**k’s sake, just bring me the bl***y burger.) “Oh, yes, I’ll have the sweet potato fries please.”

W. “Awesome. Coming right up! What would you like to drink?  We’ve got coffee, sweet tea, unsweetened tea and….”

BT. (You’re taking the p***!) “No, no thanks. That’ll be all thank you very much.”

No Middle Ground

Like many Britons, I have been following the US presidential race with great interest and, in fact, probably more than most since I spend between 3 and 4 months of the year in the States.

I’m in the USA now and was fascinated by the reaction to Donald Trump’s latest success in the Republican Party’s presidential nomination contest and that of Hilary Clinton’s with the Democrats, earlier this week.

A significant number of Americans seem dismayed that their choice of president could very well boil down to one between Trump or Clinton and it seems to me that we have a similar situation in the UK.

In our country the choice is between a privileged former public schoolboy with little understanding of the wants and needs of ordinary people and a communist garden gnome stuck in a 1960s Soviet Union-inspired time warp!

If only there was something in between. How unfortunate that the choice is limited to that between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea.

If ever there was a time for a common sense, middle ground, political party now is surely that time.

Thought for the Day

Religion or lack of it is a very personal thing and people should be tolerated and respected for their beliefs or lack of them – provided, that is, they leave everybody else alone.

In modern Britain there are three main religions, namely (and in chronological order from when they were founded) Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Followers of all three are convinced that they, and only they, worship the true God.

This therefore means that two of them are mistaken and their followers are going to end up disappointed.

How unfortunate to spend your whole life worshipping the wrong God!

The Girl from Ipanema

Yesterday, I took  a stroll along Copacabana beach, Rio, heading towards Ipanema beach – not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon, I’ll admit! – and almost inevitably, I suppose, found myself humming that wonderful classic “The Girl from Ipanema” written in 1962 by two local musicians and recorded by countless artists since.

It’s a truly lovely song about beauty and desire and I couldn’t help but think about the ephemeral nature of the former. The “Girl” in the song, will now be aged about 75 years and sadly, I imagine, the lyrics no longer apply.

The lines “Tall and tanned and young and lovely the girl from Ipanema goes walking……..” could now translate to “Small and wrinkled and old and tubby the granny from Ipanema goes shuffling….!” How cruel, but how cruel life can be for those obsessed by their physical appearance.

There is of course, a beauty far deeper than that limited merely to the  skin and, as they say, it is the beauty within that really matters. Or is that something with which we console ourselves as the years advance?

Probably, but personally I prefer to think of the “Girl from Ipanema” as ageing gracefully with style and class. If not, we’ll just have to console ourselves by admiring her granddaughters instead!

Over the Limit

There was some alarming news for drinkers (well, possibly!) at the end of last week when the Government issued new guidelines for alcohol consumption.

It was announced that the previous guidelines were inaccurate and medical experts now recommend that an adult male should consume no more than 14 units of alcohol per week instead of the old 28 units. For women the recommendation is even less

A unit equates to approximately half a pint of average strength beer so therefore an adult male should drink a total of no more than 7 pints of beer a week. A week! I know some blokes who drink double that on a Friday night and then repeat it the following day! So, in effect they are drinking 4 week’s supply on a single weekend. This could mean the end of rugby as we know it!

Like most people, I do take note of these guidelines and take on board what is said. Also like most people I then make my own mind up about what is right for me personally. Life is short and none of us know what is around the corner, praise the Lord. So thank you, medical experts for all your hard work and advice but, irresponsible as this undoubtedly is, I for one will be carrying on regardless. Cheers!

Happy Birthday

Today, January 8th, is a big day for birthdays and a celebration for fans of rock n roll’s greatest and most influential icon, Elvis Presley. It’s hard to exaggerate how big Elvis was – and I’m not just talking about hamburgers and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches here! He was a music phenomenon and it is highly unlikely that modern music would be what it is now had he not lived. The Beatles were massively influenced by the early Elvis and John Lennon once said “Before Elvis there was nothing”.

Had he survived, Elvis would have been 81 today although there are plenty of people who believe he still does judging by sales of the “Elvis lives!” T shirts. Mind you, some folk still believe that the world is flat and the United Kingdom is a world power!

One of England’s most influential and talented music artists, David Bowie, who set many a music and fashion trend in the 1970’s and 1980’s and continues to do so, shares a birthday with the King as does the scientist and genius Professor Stephen Hawking.

Unfortunately, it all goes downhill from now on since today is also the birthday of Kim Jong-un, the chubby-chopped, bad-hair-day, megalomaniac leader of North Korea. Last week the self-styled “Glorious Leader” announced that North Korea was on a permanent war footing and a couple of days ago revealed (no doubt in furtherance of world peace) that his country had tested and exploded yet another nuclear bomb. Would it be uncharitable to hope that he chokes on his birthday cake?